Leadership done different.
In-house Leadership Programs, designed to create confident, capable leaders in your team.
👉 In-person at your workplace
👉 Co-created with you
👉 Weekly/Fortnightly workshops or over 2-days
👉 Choose the modules that suit your team
👉 Have honest conversations
👉 Level UP your business
Building strong leaders

Authentic Teams Workshop
For new teams coming together or established teams looking to take it to the next level, this workshop helps teams understand themselves and their team mates, enabling better communication and a more productive, cohesive team. This is a half day program designed as a starting point for your team.
Values Setting Workshop
Do you have a purpose, values or mission statement for your business that employees don't align with? Or better yet, don't even know about? Maybe you're a new business looking to create something meaningful for your team. This workshop is designed to get the creative juices of your team flowing, to create a meaningful, simple mission statement and set of values for your business.
The Works
Full Day Program
Perfect for an annual planning day or new business starting out. The Works is a full-day program including everything from the Authentic Teams and Values Setting workshops. Participants will all complete a DISC ADVANCED psychometric profile prior to the program to understand their behaviours, strengths and challenges, and those of their colleagues.